
Opening Hours Every Day: 9:00 am to 1 am


A Touch of Thailand, Arabia and Europe Escape the stresses of everyday life with a visit to Patong Thai Massage & Spa in Juffair, Bahrain.

  • Thai Massage
  • Patong Spa Servcies

Thai Massage

Traditional Thai Massage is an extraordinary method of aligning the energies of the body, and originates from the time of the Buddha.

Thai Massage consists of a series of interactive, flowing movements, stretches and rhythmic massage, along all the body’s energy lines and pressure points. The often deeply meditative experience can result in a profound release from mental and physical stress.

The stretching and energy line work in Thai massage is important in helping to lengthen muscles and make them more flexible, supple and less prone to injury, while joints benefit from a greater range of motion.